Richard Crozier – Academic Consultant, ESTA Education
Richard Crozier MA BA Hons PGCE studied music at university and, having completed a BA Hons degree and Postgraduate Certificate of Education, taught in secondary schools as Head/Director of Music for thirteen years.
Following this, he was appointed Area Music Co-ordinator in the County of Avon, working as a peripatetic group woodwind teacher and furthering liaison work between classroom teaching and instrumental teaching. In 1991, Richard was appointed as County Music Inspector in Bedfordshire where his duties involved advisory and pastoral work in addition to local authority inspection of schools, followed by a role as an Ofsted trained inspector of primary and secondary schools.
In 1995 he moved to the ABRSM as Course Director for the CT ABRSM (Certificate of Teaching, Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music), one year part-time professional development course for instrumental and singing teachers which was launched in the autumn of that year. Subsequently promoted to Professional Development Director for the Associated Board he was responsible for developing the following courses: CT ABRSM, including its delivery in Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong; Teaching Music Effectively, launched in 2005; Introduction to Instrumental and Vocal Teaching, launched in 2005, and Being an Effective Teacher, the first fully online professional development course for instrumental and vocal teachers.
Richard is the author of Offbeat, a practical guide to pop and jazz for GCSE (Heinemann 1987), co-author of Carousel, a primary music scheme (Ginn 1996), co-author with Paul Harris of The Music Teacher’s Companion (ABRSM 2000), project director with Nigel Scaife for All Together! (ABRSM 2004) and author of Musical Instruments for Children (Hamlyn 2007).
Since leaving ABRSM in 2012, Richard works as a freelance music consultant and recent engagements have included: work with the Arts Council of England and Creative & Cultural Skills on the development of the new Qualification for Music Educators: with Trinity College London as Acting Head of Academic Governance (Music); for Alan Cameron, Education Officer, Dumfries and Galloway, and also with a number of Music Services.
學術研究總監, 艾思特音樂教育
高仕毅MA BA Hons PGCE, 於大學時主修音樂, 修畢文學史學位及研究生教育證書,曾在多間中學教學並擔任音樂總監逹十三年。之後,他被委任為英國Avon縣的地區音樂協調員,為當地獨立的木管樂老師與學校聯繫,協調各老師的學校大班教學和個別樂器教學。
於1995年,高仕毅獲邀出任英國皇家音樂學院之課程總監—the CT ABRSM (教學證書,英國皇家音樂學院),此課程於當年秋天推出的為一年制兼讀制,樂器和歌唱教師專業發展課程。隨後,他晉升為英國皇家音樂學院的專業發展部門總監,職責包括發展以下課程:在新加坡、馬來西亞和香港的CT ABRSM — 2005年開始的有效率的音樂教學課程、2005年開始的樂器及聲樂基礎教學課程、及如何成何有效率的老師—此為第一個全網上樂器及聲樂教學老師的專業發展課程。
高仕毅 的著作包括 Offbeat, GCSE 流行及爵士樂應用樂器指南(Heinemann, 1987) 、與Carouse 共同著作A Primary Music Scheme (Gunn, 1996)、與Paul Harris 共同著作 The Music Teacher’s Companion (ABRSM,2000) 、為Nigel Scalfe 著作的All Together (ABRSM, 2004) 作項目總監及著作Musical Instruments for Children (Hamlyn, 2007)。
2012年離開英國皇家音樂學院後,高仕毅 成為一個自由音樂顧問,他近年的工作包括:與英國藝術發展局創意及文化部合作發展音樂教育者新的資歷條件;被任命為倫敦聖三一學院學術管理部(音樂) 主管、與音樂官員Alan Cameron、Dumfries and Galloway 及其他音樂服務合作。
学术研究总监, 艾思特音乐教育
高仕毅MA BA Hons PGCE, 于大学时主修音乐, 修毕文学史学位及研究生教育证书,曾在多间中学教学并担任音乐总监逹十三年。之后,他被委任为英国Avon县的地区音乐协调员,为当地独立的木管乐老师与学校联系,协调各老师的学校大班教学和个别乐器教学。
于1995年,高仕毅获邀出任英国皇家音乐学院之课程总监—the CT ABRSM (教学证书,英国皇家音乐学院),此课程于当年秋天推出的为一年制兼读制,乐器和歌唱教师专业发展课程。随后,他晋升为英国皇家音乐学院的专业发展部门总监,职责包括发展以下课程:在新加坡、马来西亚和香港的 CT ABRSM — 2005年开始的有效率的音乐教学课程、2005年开始的乐器及声乐基础教学课程、及如何成何有效率的老师—此为第一个全网上乐器及声乐教学老师的专业发展课程。
高仕毅 的著作包括 Offbeat, GCSE 流行及爵士乐应用乐器指南(Heinemann, 1987) 、与Carouse 共同著作A Primary Music Scheme (Gunn, 1996)、与Paul Harris 共同著作 The Music Teacher’s Companion (ABRSM,2000) 、为Nigel Scalfe 著作的All Together (ABRSM, 2004) 作项目总监及著作 Musical Instruments for Children (Hamlyn, 2007)。
2012年离开英国皇家音乐学院后,高仕毅 成为一个自由音乐顾问,他近年的工作包括:与英国艺术发展局创意及文化部合作发展音乐教育者新的资历条件;被任命为伦敦圣三一学院学术管理部(音乐) 主管、与音乐官员Alan Cameron、Dumfries and Galloway 及其他音乐服务合作。